
"How can you come here every day and just sit here and look at them?"
"I don’t know, I like it. I mean, they almost seem like us if you watch for a while. Look, that big one, he’s in charge, and all the females want attention from him. And that one, she’s his mother, which means she’s really the one in charge, because he does everything she says. Can’t you see it?"
"They just look like animals to me."
"Well, I know they’re animals, but look. Even their faces look like ours."
"Maybe on your side of the family."
"I- hey!"
"This place just depresses me. I mean, do you think they know they’re in a cage?"
"It’s a sophisticated zoo, it’s designed to be just like their natural habitat. I don’t think they know the difference."
"What, they don’t realize their cars don’t run, and their computers don’t work? Just because someone put up brick walls, and threw in some couches and office chairs into an enclosure-"
"Okay, so maybe the older ones know it’s not like home. But they only live so long. To the little ones it’s the only place they’ve ever lived."
"And that doesn’t make you depressed?"
"Well. They’re still animals. We can’t have them running around free. You saw what they did when they had the planet to themselves."


I don't remember what the prompt for this one was. My favorite line from this is "Maybe on your side of the family." That still makes me smile.