I saw her today. For the first time in a long time, and she looks the same. Familiar. Like a stranger. Tired, drawn. She opened the door that creaks and bangs whenever anyone but her opens or closes it. We looked at each other for the longest half-second in my life. I pulled on my sweatshirt and slid off the couch. I collected my life into my pockets again. I knew better than to make a sound, because she might disappear again. I hid under my shield, and she hid under hers. I almost spoke, before I remembered that I was the intruder, and that wasn’t my home.


I remember it got very cold for a few days around this time, into the teens during the day. I went to my parents' apartment and slept on the couch for a few hours until my mother came home from work. I hadn't seen my mother in over a year. This was the last time I set foot in my parents' home. I was about seventeen.