
October 30: Keyhole Every pass, is a brief opening. A ray of light that shines through a hole in the door. You can’t see everything there, or what it means. Just a blink of words as you pass by, a shadow hearing one side of a conversation you are not a part of.
Broke up with her boyfriend, she-
...been fighting with my folks, I hate them, I...
...went downtown yesterday, so many...
...already sent the check...

And then they’re gone again, off on their own paths, their own ways, to talk to someone else, to finish the other half of their conversation somewhere far far away.
Thousands of miles away is someone living the life I once wanted. I’ll never see them or that life, but I recognize it like a worn slip of a dream, that drifts across my thoughts sometimes. In some ways, I guess it’s comforting to know that that exists at all, in the same way that the stars are comforting in their presence, however out of reach.


I've always been a fan of people watching. Especially if they're not watching me back. I did have a friend for a while who lived, mostly, the life I thought I wanted. He was still crazy, for whatever that's worth.