Hunter and Hunted

Smoke. Clouds the air and spices my nose, and rich sweet flavors of sound surround my air. I am looking for a mark. All senses trained for that one which will cut easily away from the herd. A slight twitch of hand, eyes lit and flickering. And one stands out, while I lie in the shadows waiting. Approaches confidently and flicks on a bright shining chandelier smile. He steps forward, he pays, he touches, and teases. I can drink deep, and it's only a few moments before the sounds of music, and the chime of glasses vanish behind the gritty click of a lighter and the mouth sweetening exhale of smoke. He fancies himself a hunter. He is my prey.


Some behaviors stuck around longer than others. When I got clean I sort of went off the map again with guys. I do love a guy who thinks he's in charge though.