
Save and savor over
bits and pieces of life
fingers rubbed raw across printed arrows
drawn out, in, out again
Repeated passages of use
shred, dissect, examine, renew
churned out on a turntable of repetition
of each recycled season.

Soar off on Icarus breath
lifted on chemical feathers
above all watching
dark nights and searchlight streets
and rainglow rooftops.

Riding a snake cable vine
drift high and wild
on a remembered breath of song
let go at the edge and step
into cloud choked skies
and drown gasping
for the nonexistent sun.


Images from standing on a rooftop in Chicago. I used to think a lot about standing on a rooftop, and just stepping off. I used to think that maybe if I walked off the edge while high enough, that I could fly.